Great savings for frequent travellers.

Easy Fly is a paid subscription solution that offers savings and flexibility to frequent travellers on one or more routes in our network. Three (3) categories of cards are available for families and for corporate or individual travellers, with reductions of up to 50% on the pre-tax price of the ticket. What are you waiting for to start saving?

Contact our branches to choose your card.

Easy Fly Gold

35% discount on the full economy fare economy fare and 10% discount on the full business fare excluding tax, on a route of your choice on our regional or domestic network.

Easy Fly Platinum

35% discount on the full economy fare economy fare and 10% discount on the full business fare on our entire regional and domestic and domestic network.

Easy Fly Family

50% discount on the full economy fare discount on the full economy fare of our regional network for up to five (5) passengers from the same family.

Easy Fly Gold Easy Fly Platinum Easy Fly Family
12 months
12 months
12 months
FCFA 150,000 (XOF / XAF)
FCFA 300,000 (XOF / XAF)
FCFA 70,000 (XOF / XAF) for the main card
FCFA 30,000 (XOF / XAF) for a secondary card (limited to 4 people)
Discounts applicable all year round on a specific route in the airline's domestic or subregional network for the cardholder
Discounts applicable all year round on the company's domestic or subregional network for the cardholder
Discounts applicable all year round on a specific sub-regional route for members of the same family
10% discount on the full business class fare
(excluding taxes)
10% discount on the full business class fare
(excluding taxes)
50% discount on the full economy fare
(excluding taxes)
35% discount on the full economy fare
(excluding taxes)
35% discount on the full economy fare
(excluding taxes)
10 kg additional baggage allowance per person
10 kg additional baggage allowance
15 kg additional baggage allowance
Access to the airport VIP lounge
PS: The benefits cannot be combined with those of the sMiles cards.

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