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Social responsability
The Company’s activities in the environmental field began in 2013 with the implementation of an environmental management plan aimed at detecting the environmental and social impacts generated by its various activities and determining a mitigation process and control of its impacts. The PGEA’s report was approved by order number 0013/MINESUDD/ANDE dated February 18, 2014 and renewed by order number 00075/MINSEDD/ANDE dated April 26, 2018.
Since it is always concerned about the impact of its activities on the environment, Air Cote d’Ivoire improved its environmental and social management system (ESMS) in 2017, by using as a support the operational safeguard procedures of the AfDB and the SFI standard. Taking into account these new environmental and social requirements is part of Air Côte d’Ivoire’s partial financing project of its expansion and modernization program (which includes the acquisition of five Airbus A320 aircraft. which will replace the leased airplanes).
The characteristics of the Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) of Air Côte d’Ivoire, described in the ESMS handbook, are :
In 2014, Air Côte d’Ivoire developed a Quality, Safety, Security, and Environment (QSSE) policy that was deployed in all the activities and at all the levels of the organization. In 2017, the review of Air Côte d’Ivoire’s environmental policy produced an environmental and social policy that aims at carrying out a process of progress and continuous improvement of environmental issues, employees’ rights and community issues. This policy is accompanied by a commitment to the environment and society.
The environmental and social policy complies with the requirements and codes of the best practices of environmental standards (ISO 14001 for example), health and safety at work (ISO 45001 for example), the ILO conventions on workforce labor and working conditions, and integrates community health, safety and security objectives.Air Côte d’Ivoire conducted an environmental impact analysis using the method of the National Institute of Industrial Environment and Risks (INERIS) which consists in determining the environmental aspects (EA) by type of activity, and then to conduct an evaluation by rating and prioritizing EAs to identify the environmental impact.
The main negative environmental impacts (EI) identified are:
- Surface/underground water pollution and soil pollution by waste disposal: industrial household waste and hazardous waste, non-hazardous waste, electrical and electronic equipment waste, common industrial waste, special industrial waste;
- Noise, olfactory and vibratory pollution from aircrafts;
- The emission of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) by generators and aircraft engines;
- Impact on biodiversity: fauna, flora, natural habitats through the consumption of paper, electricity, water, and cleaning products,
- Impact on safety and health;
The assessment of the significance of the negative impacts identified the maintenance and operation activities as the main activities generating significant negative impacts, and the aircraft maintenance center as a specific impact-generating site.
The environmental and social management program is designed in the form of specific action plans developed following the identification of environmental impacts, audits, reviews and various inspections. The specific action plans are in the form of cards which include the targeted impact, the various activities to be undertaken, the objective of each activity, the identification of responsibilities, deadlines, means of verification, and documentation.
The program includes:
- Internal and external communication
- Management (control and reduction) of waste
- The fight against noise pollution
- Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
- Control of emergency situations
The management programs will be reviewed regularly during audits, and management reviews if necessary and modified in line with the new developments, modifications and extension of existing activities.
The team in charge of implementing the ESMS is made up of a coordinator acting as a focal point for all issues relating to environmental and social management; as well as managers appointed to the various sites and key departments, i.e. human resources, operations center and maintenance center.
Implementation of the ESMS will require the provision of resources, reflected in an annual budget. This budget is subject to revision on the basis of internal and external audits.
Following adoption of the environmental policy and approval of the ESMS, the ESMS coordinator and committee composition will be officially appointed by management. Those responsible for implementing the ESMS will receive specialized training in management systems, root cause analysis and continuous improvement programs.
Internal communications will include the provision of information to the various levels and functions of the company responsible for performance in relation to environmental aspects, impacts and risks, monitoring, verification and management review. External communications include receiving, documenting and responding to environmental aspects with interested parties and include:
Communication with contractors, subcontractors, partners and visitors,
Receiving, documenting and responding to relevant and ongoing communications from interested parties.
In addition, Air Côte d’Ivoire undertakes to communicate its environmental policy to all employees, including contract workers and external stakeholders, and to publish a summary of its ESMS to the public on its website.
Despite taking all risks into account and implementing appropriate management programs, accidents and emergencies can occur. Emergency preparedness and response involves a number of steps, in line with current environmental and social standards, to provide solutions for dealing with potential emergencies within the scope of our activities. The aim of this analysis is to anticipate potential emergency situations that could disrupt, pollute or degrade our living environment and that of surrounding communities.
To deal with emergency situations, Air Côte d’Ivoire has a crisis management manual, which contains the following elements:
Organization and responsibilities (before, during and after a crisis)
Crisis management process (initiation and conduct of crisis management operations)
Reflex sheets (lists of tasks to be carried out by each player).
The crisis management plan is tested periodically to ensure that it is effective.
Various stakeholder groups have relations with Air Côte d’Ivoire. Consultations with these stakeholders will be undertaken to understand the impact that our activities have on them so as not to risk damaging our reputation and generating bad feelings and negative campaigns against our Company. A regular and systematic relationship will help build stakeholders’ confidence and give our company a positive image. In addition, stakeholders can help provide valuable information that will help avoid or minimize the potentially deleterious effects of our activities.
To build and maintain a good relationship with stakeholders, it is essential to keep them informed of any follow-up of their concerns or complaints by the company. Therefore, we will report to the concerned communities, and explain the steps taken by the company to solve the issues identified during the consultation process, and inform them of the results obtained (via our website, letters, etc.).
Monitoring and control can be used to verify and adjust the ESMS. Action plans must be followed up to ensure its implementation and the application of procedures. In addition, we must ensure that the ESMS covers the most likely risks and allows for lasting improvements within the company. The monitoring and management control provide the necessary information to ensure compliance with the implementation of the ESMS. Monitoring and evaluation cover the nine (9) elements of the ESMS.
The ESMS is reviewed by management at least once a year in order to assess its design and application. The assessment of the ESMS is published after the management review.